Thursday, October 8, 2009

Memories Revived

Richard Sellers on memories revived by "Opening Day". (Excerpted from a letter.)

...I worked for Sleazy Markets about a week and a half after quitting Hinckley. It was an educational experience, and a little horrifying. I went in at 3:00 each morning to clean the floors with a propane floor machine that wanted blood. Wrestling with this monster gave me a bad case of piles. I think the damned thing was possessed.

The owner, one John Stinker, took pride in his market. Wanted everything nice and clean, out front - the stock rooms in back looked like a sick rat's deathbed after a bout of explosive diarrhea, filthy and beshitted. I worked a couple of days a week in produce as well. The amount of waste that went on was appalling - the slightest blemish got an otherwise perfectly edible fruit or vegetable consigned to the trash bin. There was enough food wasted at Sleazy Market over the course of my week-plus there to feed a lot of people who could use feeding.
Mr. Stinker jumped all over me one day after I asked for some new pads for the floor cleaner, which had started scratching the floor because of the pads being worn out, so I walked out on his ignorant ass. A few weeks ago they had some human mascot from television commercials making a personal appearance there. Couldn't tell the guy from his cardboard cutout. The floor looks as bad as it ever has....

Names changed to protect Richard's ass.

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